Dr. Vibha Matharu
Principal’s Message
“The purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows”India is at the forefront of the global revolution, and Education plays the key role of shaping the same. Gone are the days of the “Chalk and Talk” methodology and the impetus is on experiential learning and the mantra of Child centric education. Committed to this purpose, is Mount Litera Zee School- Mhow. It understands the unique learning potential of every child and has geared its Learning System to provide students with a better understanding of life skills and values
India is at the forefront of the global revolution, and Education plays the key role of shaping the same. Gone are the days of the “Chalk and Talk” methodology and the impetus is on experiential learning and the mantra of Child centric education. Committed to this purpose, is Mount Litera Zee School- Mhow. It understands the unique learning potential of every child and has geared its Learning System to provide students with a better understanding of life skills and values
The Zee Learning System is based on the belief that locked within every child is the inherent potential for greatness. It identifies the specific skill set of every child and helps each one of them to derive motivation from within as well as from the environment. Using the most advanced audio, visual and kinesthetic learning techniques, Mount Litera Zee School Mhow makes education effortless and effective. Mount Litera Zee Schools across India utilize the unique systematic methodology of the “Litera Octave” in their philosophy, policies and practices.
We at Mount Litera Zee School resonate to our tag line “Great School, Great Future”, and our young scholars are stimulated to explore their innate talents. With this as an invocation and a commitment , we, caretakers, facilitators , and, essentially all of us co- learners, welcome you to this mindful laboratory of learning.
A Commitment
At the Mount Litera Zee Schools, education for peace contextualizes learning. We live in an age of unprecedented violence: locally, nationally and globally. Peace concretizes the purpose of values and motivates their internalization. Our tradition teaches compassion; our philosophy preaches compassion and our constitution practices compassion and we are committed never to dilute it.
Our facilitators employ two diverse strategies of Love and Logic to foster a positive learning environment for all our students. Love and Logic may seem like two contrasting forces. While love helps nurture trusting relationships, where students feel respected, appreciated and loved by the teachers, logic helps develop in students -personal responsibility, self control, good decision making skills self confidence, and character building with high moral values.
Every child’s learning involves and revolves around an effective partnership between home & school. We know the stronger the partnership more our tiny scholars will benefit and grow. Moving ahead with this dictate in mind Mount Litera Zee School – Mhow has set out on an experiential voyage of learning with our Parent body as our co-navigators to chase the rainbow hued dreams and aspirations of our tiny achievers.
Navigating the Website offers some rudimentary information of our school, for a all encompassing understanding of our ethos and practices we invite you to walk in and spend a day in Mount Litera Zee School and understand why we say ‘Here learning is fun’.